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Welcome to
Artists in Middleburg (AiM)

Far Edge of the Field

by Sarita Moffat

We Firmly Believe Art Matters!

The Artists in Middleburg (AiM) has supported our local art community since 2015! Through our educational outreach, we have provided and will continue to provide art and cultural opportunities 

that are open to all.

Current Exhibit

Member's Exhibit

January 18 - February 23

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The Pipe

by Sylvia Scherer

Call to Artists

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We will accept applications beginning in February.

Classes & Events

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​Art Tribe

with J Douglas

February 6th

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Painting Workshop

Water Reflections

with Kim T. Richards

February 11th

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Drawing Class

with Jim Burns

New Date:

February 26th

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Equine Sculpture

with Goksin Carey

March/April 2025

Click the arrows for

more information.

The Artists in Middleburg - Our History, Mission and Impact on the Community

Welcome to the Artists in Middleburg!

We are glad you are here!


Watch and/or listen to this video to learn about our history and mission with art education.


Meet some of our wonderful art educators, volunteers, and organizations that have partnered with us.


Please enjoy!

If you have any questions please reach out to us.

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Students at Claude Thompson Elementary School and Other Local Schools Benefit from the Collaboration with Artists in Middleburg (AiM)

Funded by grants and donations, Artists in Middleburg collaborates with Claude Thompson Elementary School in Marshall, Virginia, a Title 1 School, to provide art education, including art therapy for their students.

If you would like to support our work with Claude Thompson and other local schools including Banneker Elementary, Middleburg Community Charter School, and Middleburg Montessori, you may do so by directly donating to AiM.

Click to read the article in the Winter 2023 edition of Country Zest & Style.

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Artists in Middleburg strives to nurture, develop, and provide arts education opportunities for all, especially the youth, in our area utilizing our rich resources of local artists to teach and share their art. In so doing, AiM will support and strengthen the local arts community in Middleburg and the surrounding Piedmont area by increasing the vitality, awareness, and appreciation of the arts.

What We Believe

As indicated by the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), "American communities are strengthened through the arts." AiM seeks to join what the NEA describes as "Communities across our nation... leveraging the arts and engaging design to make their communities more livable with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, a distinct sense of place, and vibrant local economies that together capitalize on their existing assets."

What We Do

Donate Now!

Your contributions will support and strengthen the local arts community by
increasing the vitality, awareness, and appreciation of the arts.


* Please remember Artists in Middleburg (AiM) in your estate planning.

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