Class/ Workshop: Application Form
Artists in Middleburg (AiM)
Registration and prepayment is required for all classes, workshops and shows.
Please submit your payment via pay pal button
or you may send a check to the below address via snail mail.
(approx. 3 weeks before the workshop dates)
The workshop price information is located at the classes page.
Checks can be made out to:
Artists in Middleburg (AiM)
Mail: PO Box 426, Middleburg, VA 20118
Please attach the below information together with your check and send it to the above
mailing address.
Phone numbers:
Home __________________________ Cell__________________________________
Email address_________________________________________________________
If more info is needed you may contact Sandy Danielson at
Artists in Middleburg (AiM), a 501c3 nonprofit organization
Classroom and Gallery, Hours: 12-5, Wednesday-Sunday
102 W. Washington Street PO Box 426 (mail) Middleburg, VA 20118
540-687-6600, 540-270-6165 (c)