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Inspired By... Exhibit

September 30 - November 5, 2023

Exhibition Jurors:

Libby Stevens & Terri Parent

Kirk, Brian-Moons of Alpha Centauri (002)

Best in Show A combination assemblage/collage of rust prints, and mixed-media objects made into a composition. The image relates to my interest in astronomy. Moons of Alpha Centauri Mixed-media: Rust Prints, Indigo Dye and found Objects on Archival Paper 32 x 38 x 2 $1600 Brian Kirk

Bridgman, CIndy-Chasing Wyeth's Light

Second Place I visited Olson House where Andrew Wyeth immortalized "Christina's World." Walking through that empty house I was in awe of the light streaming through the windows. Wyeth wrote: "In the portraits of that house, the windows are eyes or pieces of the soul almost. To me, each window is a different part of Christina's life." How could that NOT inspire me to paint a window at Olson House.... Chasing Wyeth's Light Oil on Canvas 20 x 24 $650 Cindy Bridgman

Morrow, Healing Tree

Third Place This tree has been my meditation tree, I decided to place it into a metal frame I found at Great Country Farms add some gold mesh, and resin, paint....and of course the wood piece at the bottom. It can shimmer in the light! The Healing Tree Mixed Media 24 x 30 $550 Deborah Morrow

Gnomish Inspiration[16]

Honorable Mention am an illustrator by nature. When I saw the Show title I was immediately hit by doing one of my gnomes being inspired by some of my own favorite artists. I have always said Deadlines are a crucible for my creativity and so when I decided to enter the show at the last minute he was born. Gnomish Inspiration Mixed Media Collage 19x24 $300 Sima Button

Baker, Michelle-Blue Valley Crowd

Blue Valley Crowd Acrylic 24 x 36 $350 Michelle Baker

Baumgartner, Betty-Sunrise Inspiration

Seeing a sunrise at the beginning of the day on the ocean horizon always inspires me to create that feeling of wonder on canvas. Sunrise Inspiration Acrylic 20x24 $650 Betty Baumgartner

Brabant, Jill-IvoryandAlabaster

Inspired by . . . my garden! Soft ivory roses and peonies in a diagonal composition. My two favorite flowers accented by a dark background. Ivory and Alabaster Oil 14 x 18 $1200 Jill Brabant

Brabant, Jill-PinkBouquet

Inspired by . . .my garden! Soft pink roses. No vase is needed as these beautiful petals steal the show! Pink Bouquet Oil 11 x 14 $695 Jill Brabant

Brabant, Jill-BeMine_Jill Brabant

Inspired by . . . roses! I wanted to create movement, depth and air with this painting. By using soft and hard edges, I can direct the viewer to the flower that inspired the focal point of the painting. Be Mine Oil 11 x 16 $695 Jill Brabant

Bridgman, Cindy-Due South on Highway

I visited a gallery on the Rue de Seine in Paris which was hosting an exhibit of impressionistic seasonal landscapes by Japanese artist Teruhisa Yamanobe. His painting style of soft edges and muted colors were beautiful and inspired me to try to paint a rural Virginia landscape in early winter incorporating the softness of his style. Due South on a Scenic Highway Oil on Linen Panel 8 x 16 $360 Cindy Bridgman

Bridgman, Cindy-Tournesois de la Vie (Sunflowers from Life)

Inspired by Van Gogh's Sunflower series of paintings, I too painted sunflowers from life while traveling in France. Tournesols de la Vie (Sunflowers from Life) Oil on Linen Panel 12 x 12 $360 Cindy Bridgman

Bysshe, Stan-Flasher

Early morning light with a dark shadow background creates a setting to show off this male Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Flasher Photography 10 x 15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Bysshe, Stan-Working

High View Hummer Photography 10 x 15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Bysshe, Stan-Liquid Sunshine

A light rain shower supplied a perfect time to capture this Ruby-throated Hummingbird taking a bath atop a Zinnia flower. Liquid Sunshine Photography 10x15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Chandler, Sage-Alpine Pass

Inspired by..... mountains! I painted this from a photo I took high in the Swiss alps. The Alpine countryside is made even more serine by the soft tinkling of cow bells through the valley. MORE COWBELL! Alpine Pass Oil on Canvas 24 x 20 $500 Sage Chandler

Chandler, Sage-Abiquiu Afternoon

Inspired by... mountains! I painted this on site in Abiquiu, New Mexico, a breath-takingly beautiful place. Abiquiu Afternoon Oil on Canvas 24 x 24 $900 Sage Chandler

Chandler, Sage-Spring Tulips

Inspired by.... gardens! There's something magical about a tulip bouquet. Spring Tulips Oil on canvas 16 x 20 $700 Sage Chandler

Cheuk, Amelia-Pumpkins Harvest

The variety of color, size, shape and texture of pumpkins is amazing. They are such good subject for still-life and so representative of the season. Pumpkins Harvest Oil 12 x 16 $430 Amelia Cheuk


The swale was part of a creek in Millwood. I was captivated by the late afternoon warm and soft sunlight that transmuted the mundane into the magical. Golden Reflection Oil 8x10 $450 Sharon Clinton

Clinton, Sharon-Sunset Over the Hills

This painting was created partially out of my imagination that reflects my appreciation for the tranquil beauty of the countryside during the golden hour. Sunset over the Hills Oil 8x10 $450 Sharon Clinton

Clinton, Sharon-Glow

The golden hour is my favorite time of the day. Scenery like this abounds and it is dramatic and magical. Glow Oil 8x10 $450 Sharon Clinton

Conrad, Marcia-Oak Forest

Red oak twig found after a storm Twig, leaf scar, tiny acorn, leaves, terminal bud Strength, past, future, present, Hope Future forest in my hand. Oak Forest Acrylic 18 x 24 $400 Marcia Conrad

Didoha, Judy-A Fox

This is but one of the many animals that live with us. A Fox Acrylic 12x16 $225 Judy Didoha

Drumheller, Barbara-Decoy

Living in the country, I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of wildlife. Geese frequent the pond all year round. I see them in the spring as pairs and then later as a family. They have a beautiful form which inspired me to interpret it in cardboard. This was my firt experience using cardboard as an art medium. I was inspired to use this cardboard and staple technique by artists Ann Weber (@ann-weber.sculpture) who is an artist in California. Decoy Cardboard 10 x 24 x 16 $300 Barbara Drumheller

Drumheller, Barbara-Wild Hare

Rabbits come and go. This year they are more prolific on the farm as there are livestock guardian dogs to scare away predators. I was inspired to hand paint the rabbit on the plate due to the many times I’ve read Peter Rabbit to my granddaughter, and the rabbits that enjoy the summer vegetables of my garden. Wild Hare Ceramic 8 1/4” round $65 Barbara Drumheller

Duvall, Peggy-Fading Sun

This painting is one of a series that exploits the beauty of fading flowers and was inspired by a Langston Hughes line referencing "autumn sunsets EXQUISITELY DYING." Fading Sun Watercolor 12 x 12 $465 Peggy Duvall

Duvall, Peggy-Fading Parrot

This painting is another in a series that exploits the beauty of dying flowers and was inspired by a Langston Hughes line referencing "autumn sunsets exquisitely dying." Fading Parrot Watercolor 8 x 8 $465 Peggy Duvall

Ferri, Michele-Lisbon Cathedral

Inspired by … ancient architecture Lisbon Cathedral Oil 16 x 20 $900 Michele Ferri

Ferri, Michele-Castello de Tomar

Inspired by … ancient architecture Castello de Tomar Oil 12 x 17 1/2 NFS Michele Ferri

Ford, Gayle Isabelle-A Helping Hand (002)

This sweet image was seen at the Upperville Colt and Horse Show. It was captured during the lead line class for 1–3-year-olds. I saw it way in the background, between a crowd of people prepping their little ones for the big event. This was a quiet moment, giving a helping hand. A Helping Hand Charcoal 8 x 8 $725 Gayle Ford

Foster, Michelle-Peace in the Garden

Inspired by Monet - a quiet moment in a friend's garden at the end of summer. Peace in the Garden Oil on Panel 11 x 14 $425 Michelle Foster

Foster, Michelle-Garden of Delight

Inspired by Bonnard - with his love of lush wild scenery. By late summer, the herb garden goes wild. Garden of Delight Oil on Linen Panel 12 x 16 $490 Michelle Foster

Foster, Michelle-End of Day

Inspired by nature. Clouds towered over the landscape, making everything else small and pale. End of Day Oil on Linen Panel 11 x 14 $425 Michelle Foster

Gallick, Rosemary-Guitar Parts (002)

This acrylic painting is done in a hard-edge style with each guitar piece outlined in black. Primary and secondary colors are used to create a rhythm and balance the composition. The painting causes the viewer to compartmentalize the pieces and look for unity. Inspired By Guitar Parts Acrylic 18 x24 $200 Rosemary Gallick

Gardiner, Maribe-Sheep

Sheep Acrylic over Print 15 x 15 $500 Maribe Gardiner

Gardiner, Maribe-Snowfall

Snowfall Acrylic over Print 14 x 18 $500 Maribe Gardiner

Garcia, Nancy-Carpe Diem

CARPE DIEM Colored Pencil 11x14 $200 Nancy Garcia

Garcia, Nancy-It Was a Day of Achievement

IT WAS A DAY OF ACHIEVEMENT Colored Pencil 14x18 $350 Nancy Garcia

Gilmore, Shannon-Wild, Wild Horses...

I have been inspired by the grace and beauty of horses my entire life. In June I had the opportunity to visit a wild Mustang herd and captured this stallion as the sun set. Wild, Wild, Horses.... Photography 12 x 18 $300 Shannon Gilmore

Gilmore, Shannon-Stormy Sierras

A cowboy and pack mule move out as storms gather over the peak of snowy White Mountain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada's. Stormy Sierras Photography 8 x 12 $500 Shannon Gilmore

Giraldi, Angela-Fairy Kingdom (002)

Imaginary country scene. Fairy Kingdom Watercolor 16 x 20 $250 Angela Giraldi

Giraldi, Angela-Underwater Garden (002)

Reflections of flowers in water. Underwater Garden Watercolor 18 x 22 $300 Angela Giraldi

Gordon, Nadya-Fox, 2023

Foxes are my absolute favorite animal to paint. Their wild beauty inspire me to paint them again and again. Fox Acrylic 11x14 $195 Nadya Gordon

Gordon, Nadya- Fall Morning

This painting depicts a cool fall morning with fog over the lake and beautiful orange colors of the foliage. Inspired by the beauty of nature. Fall Morning Acrylic 12x16 $195 Nadya Gordon

Gring, Susan-Marsh in Full Color (002)

Far from being murky, boggy areas, the world's wetlands are abundant with wildlife, fascinating landscapes and better wellbeing for those in contact with the natural environment. This painting was inspired by a trip to Henlopen State Park and painted in my favorite combination of colors---oranges, blues and yellows. Marsh in Full Color Acrylic 36 x24 $475 Susan Gring

Gring Susan     Last Light (002)

In the crisper and cooler months of the year, I grew up sipping a wee glass of port wine with my parents at last light of day. That tradition has continued today with my own family though I enjoy a slightly larger glass of port. Last Light Acrylic 16 x 12 $350 Susan Gring

herman, lorrie-City_Farm_oil (002)

Plein air paining with friends at this lovely farm in the middle of the city! There are so many tucked away in this area. City Farm Oil 11 x 14 $675 Lorrie Herman

herman, lorrie_peaceful_trickle_oil (002)

Plein air painting with friends at a beautiful French inspired estate. I found this intimate trickling waterfall into a small pond. The light kept lighting up different rocks as I painted. Peaceful Trickle Oil 11 x 14 $650 Lorrie Herman

Hindle, Stuart-Misty Morning River sml (002)

In this piece, my inspiration was Monet’s winter scenes of the Seine. However, I use soft, cool colors of spring to give a fresh feeling of renewal. Misty Morning River Oil on Canvas 24 x 36 $1200 Stuart Hindle

Hopkins, Laura-Stormy Autumn Twilight

I work in the tradition of the historic American Tonalist painters of the 19th century. This painting is inspired by the moody and atmospheric paintings of my painting hero, John Francis Murphy. Stormy Autumn Twilight Oil on Canvas 24x30 $2200 Laura Hopkins

Hopkiins, Laura-Quiet Meadow

This painting from memory and imagination is inspired by my continued study of the historic Tonalist painters of the 19th century and influenced by the work of contemporary Tonalist Dennis Sheehan. Quiet Meadow Oil on Linen Wrapped Panel 8x10 $425 Laura Hopkins

Huntington, Sarah-Untitled

Creek Bed Photography 16 x 20 $150 Sarah Huntington

Inra, Ligia-Yellow Still Life

Although still life is not often my choice, I wanted to make sure that the painting had a lot of movement in it. Once I placed them on my glass table, the reflection convinced me that it was the perfect finish to the composition. Yellow Still Life Acrylic Mixed Media 11 x 14 $375 Ligia Inra

Inra, Ligia-I Love New York

We had a view facing South from the eighth floor. We watched The World Trade Center towers being built! The Freedom Tower in this painting took the place of the World Trade Center. This is my tribute to New York. I Love New York Acrylic Mixed Media 11 x 14 $375 Ligia Inra

Jirouskova, Marketa_Chameleon1 (002)

Chameleon #1 Photography 16 x 20 $395 Marketa Jirouskova

Jirouskova, Marketa-Chameleon2 (002)

Chameleon #2 Photography 16 x 20 $395 Marketa Jirouskova

Kirk, Brian-Talisman

One of my best rust prints. I combine rusted plates and found objects, soak in a water bath for 4 weeks to create the rust transfer onto archival paper. Talisman Rust Print on Archival Paper 28 x 36 x 2 $1500 Brian Kirk

Kirk, Brian-Worlds Above

An assemblage of rust prints and a rusted steel grid, organized into a composition on archival paper. Worlds Above Rust Prints on Archival Paper 32 x 36 x 2 $1600 Brian Kirk

Lancaster, Roger-On Loyalty Road

I have always been inspired in my photography by the beauty of Loudoun County. My photos in this exhibit are examples of what has inspired me. This particular photo of a farm at sunset is a prime example. On Loyalty Road Digital Art on Canvas 24x36 $225 Roger Lancaster

Lancaster, Roger-Road to the Farmhouse

The road to the old farmhouse photo was taken in Loudoun County. Again, the beauty is so inspiring. Road to the Farmhouse Digital Art on Canvas 16x24 $190 Roger Lancaster

Lowther, Thom-A_Space- Odyssey (002)

Emerging from being shut in during the COVID pandemic we took a trip to the Dulles and Space Museum. On display in a hanger was the Space Shuttle. I painted it as if it were flying in space on a mission. The crew shut in a small space, but free in open space. 2020 A Space Odyssey Watercolor & Pastel 11 x 14 $345 Thom Lowther

Mann, Amy-Maine's Rocky Coast I (002)

Inspired by the rocky coast of Maine. We stayed for a month in Bristol, Maine in October 2022. This spot was around the corner from our Airbnb, and I painted there several times. I am inspired by the rocky coast of Maine, and could paint there forever without getting bored. Maine's Rocky Coast I Oils 6 x 8 $175 Amy Mann

Mann, Amy-Maine's Rocky Coast II (002)

Inspired by the rocky coast of Maine. We stayed for a month in Bristol, Maine in October 2022. This spot was around the corner from our Airbnb, and I painted there several times. I am inspired by the rocky coast of Maine, and could paint there forever without getting bored. Maine's Rocky Coast II Oils 9 x 12 $325 Amy Mann

Market, Brenda-Serenity

I was inspired by a photo my friend took on a walk through the woods. It gave me a sense of calm that comes from being in nature with the beauty of the subtle light reflected in the trees. Serenity Oil 18 x 24 $675 Brenda Market

McCarty, Ann- Tranquility (002)

The scene drew me into a place of dreams and tranquility. It wasn't hard to imagine sitting for hours contemplating the beauty and awe of nature. Tranquility Oil 24 x 18 $1100 Ann McCarty

McCarty, Ann- Meandering Stream (002)

The scene reminded me of a hiking trail I was traversed in my youth. After miles, finding that shaded place and a cool stream to sooth aching feet was glorious. Ah youth. Meandering Stream Oil 18 x 14 $950 Ann McCarty

MerkinKaren_RedPillows (002)

I saw the front porch of this house in Oxford, Maryland and took several photos to paint. I think this is a quintessential image of small town living. Sometimes I am inspired by an everyday scene and want to paint it. Red Pillows Oil on Board 16 x 20 $2000 Karen Merkin

Merkin, Karen-Lamborghini-18x24-Oil (002)

I love to paint beautiful classic cars. I saw this car at a car show in Middleburg and took several photos to paint from. Lamborghini Oil on Board 18 x 24 $2500 Karen Merkin

Moffat_Sarita_Yellow_Oil_16x20 (002)

Inspired by ...... Nature. Pause for a few moments from your hectic life, if you will, to reflect on the miracle of how, with a kiss from the sun, a sprinkling of silver raindrops, and the rich nutrients of the earth, a tiny seed will burst upward to paint the landscape with glorious color. Yellow Oil 16 x 20 $490 Sarita Moffat

Montis-Doreen-Aries-oil (002)

I am inspired by the Dutch Masters, specifically, portraits with a dark background. In this case, I painted a portrait of a ram in the style of Rembrandt. Aries Oil 12x16 $700 Doreen Montis

Montis - Doreen-mona-lisa-smile-oil (002)

The inspiration for this painting was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The tones, colors and expression of the sheep made me think of the smirk on the Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa Smile Oil 12x12 $550 Doreen Montis

Montis-Doreen-Avocet-oil (002)

This painting was inspired by the Audubon Paintings that depict birds in their natural setting. The American Avocet is a bird found in Coastal Virginia. Avocet Oil 9x12 $450 Doreen Montis

Morrow, Deborah-The Trumpet is a Fickle Mistress

Chris Botti, jazz trumpeter, is inspiring as he has dedicated his life to his art of mastering the trumpet...I photographed him at a concert last year, and turned this photo into a mixed media piece of art. This art can also be made into a inlay in a wall, or become a table top. The Trumpet is a Fickle Mistress Mixed Media 26 x 11 1/2 $525 Deborah Morrow

Screen Shot 2023-09-28 at 1.10.13 PM

Bonnie Raitt, inspiring musician and true artist, I have watched her since she was a teenager playing and singing.....always getting better, but sticking to her own truth. Bonnie Pencil 9 3/8 x 13 3/8 $725 Deborah Morrow

Nevins, Paula-Say Again #1 (002)

My inspiration came from watching a friend compete her champion show hunter "Say Again". His confident bold presence with a graceful, airy, sweeping movement was amazing. This sculpture is 2/10. Say Again Bronze Sculpture 14.5" (l) x 12" (h) x 6.5" (w) $6,800 Paula Nevins

Nevins,  Paula-The Watch - Nevins (002)

My inspiration for "The Watch" came from a stallion that I admired. He possessed a dignified, confident, beauty standing proud. He reminded me of the alert beauty of the lead horse in a field of horses who stands watch and protects the herd. This sculpture is AP/10. The Watch Bronze Sculpture 13.5" (l) x 5" (w) x 12" (h) $4,500 Paula Nevins

Nicely, Elise-Spring Morning

I am inspired by the landscapes in my area. This one caught my eye with the black fence under the white Dogwood tree. Spring Morning Acrylic on Canvas 16 x 20 $650 Elise Nicely

Padilla, Chito-A Window in Opatija (002)

I recently visited the Croatian coastal town of Opatija on the Adriatic Sea. It is known for its Mediterranean climate and its historic buildings reminiscent of the Austrian Riviera. While this is an interior painting, it is evocative of the one balmy afternoon while sitting by the window of my room looking out to the Adriatic. A Window in Opatija Acrylic 12 x 17 $300 Chito Padillo

Padilla, Chito-Motovun

I took inspiration from the elevated terrain of the charming village of Motovun in Istria. This picturesque hilltop town with a population of just over 900 people sits at a height of 277m above sea level. In ancient times, both Celts and Illyrians built their fortresses at the location of present-day Motovun. The name of the village is also of Celtic origin, deireved from Montona, meaning “a town in the hills”. Motovun Acrylic 16 x 16 $375 Chito Padillo

Parent, Terri-Admiring Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth is my favorite artist and in June I visited Brandywine River Museum to see a showing of his work. I also toured his studio which is as the artist left it - sketches, paint, brushes. The small group of Wyeth admirers were intent on each aspect of his studio and work. Admiring Wyeth Digital Photography 14 x 11 $295 Terri Parent

Parernt, Terri-Morning Ritual

I begin each morning with a calming and centering walk in nature. Each day is different in what I will see. I am always blessed when the sky is painted in pink and red and the trees stand boldly against this backdrop. Morning Ritual Digital Photography 14 x 11 $295 Terri Parent

Parent, Terri-Bucket List

A trip to Alaska was on my bucket list and did not disappoint. Travel always inspires my work. Bucket List Digital Photography 11 x 14 $295 Terri Parent

Petrecca, Regina-Lunar New Year

Inspired by the bright red and sparkling gold that accompanied the celebration of the lunar new year for the Year of The Rabbit. Lunar New Year Acrylic on Canvas 18 x 24 $325 Regina Petrecca

Petrecca, Regina-New York Times

Inspired by the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock. New York Times Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 30 $400 Regina Petrecca

Pyles, Gomer-My Hometown (002)

My Hometown of The Plains is a rural gateway to year round incredible beauty. In just a few minutes I can leave the town and witness a sunset over the Blue Ridge, or sing to cattle and horses grazing in the fields, or spot an eagle, bear, or fox crossing my path. My Hometown Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Pyles, Gomer-Mother and Daughter (002)

Running into friends and sharing a beautiful sunset together is an incredible privilege. But to capture them having a special mother/daughter moment is inspiring. Mother & Daughter Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Arnold, Marie-Venus Rising

Inspired by Botticelli's "Birth of Venus", through the softness of color and dream like composition, I hope to evoke a sense of wonder and beauty. A new beginning, a celebration of leaving the past behind and creating a new vision. Venus Rising Mixed Media/Collage 16 x 20 $800 Marie Romeo

Arnold, Marie-August Muse

The contrast of the bold yet peaceful angel, "the muse'', against the warm, glowing colors, provides a gentle nudge to push us out of our proverbial boxes. To guide us to pursue our passions and see beyond. August Muse Mixed Media/Collage 12 x 16 $500 Marie Romeo

Arnold, Marie-Note to Self

Nature has always inspired me. The quiet stillness and the organic color, shape and form have their own way of calling us to create. It is all around us. We just need to stop and take notice. Note to Self Mixed Media/Collage 12 x 16 $500 Marie Romeo

Richards_KimT_Bucolic Autumn_oil (002)

I am inspired by plein air. Every time I go out with my paints, I am inspired by the colors of nature. Painting outdoors is one of the great joys of my life. Bucolic Autumn Oil 9 x 12 $325 Kim T. Richards

Richards_KimT_Warm Welcome_oil (002)

I have been inspired by flowers my whole life. I am drawn in by their color, and then mesmerized by the intricacies of their petals and leaves. When I can't get outside to paint plein air, I am often in the studio painting flowers. Warm Welcome Oil 12 x 9 $325 Kim T. Richards

Scala, Amy-Canna Lilies (002)

Inspired by the Canna Lilies and matching leaves on the large tree behind. Canna Lilies Acrylic 8x10 $225 Amy Scala

Scala, Amy-Cottage (002)

Inspired by the cottage feel of the window. Cottage Acrylic 8x10 $225 Amy Scala

Scherer, Sylvia-First Light - Last Light.-48hx30wjpg (002)

First Light, Last Light This painting has several layers of acrylic. I tried to capture the indistinct tree forms as they start assuming their shape with the morning light sifting through the branches and as the light gradually wanes with the setting of the sun. Both at the beginning or end of a day, the light has the same glow. FIRST LIGHT, LAST LIGHT ACRYLIC 48 x 30 $5,000 Sylvia Scherer

Sherman, Michael-Simple Pleasure 09112023 (002)

Simple Pleasures is a watercolor painting inspired by is his son when he was young riding his tricycle. Simple Pleasures Watercolor on Arches Cold Press Paper 12x16 $400 Michael Sherman

Sherman, Michael-Playin on the Porch (003)

"Playin on the porch" is inspired by a trumpet player playing outside. Playin’ on the Porch Watercolor on Arches Cold Press Paper 12 x 16 $400 Michael Sherman

Sherman, Michael-Tribute to the 10th Calvary rev (002)

This is a painting that plays tribute and inspired by the 10th Calvary, USCT, the Buffalo Soldiers who served during and after the US Civil War. Tribute to the 10th Calvary Watercolor on Yupo Paper 12 x 16 $500 Michael Sherman

Stanley, Melanie-Wildflower Happy

I am continuously inspired to paint what I live and experience. I am also inspired to explore mixing paints with my hand created mono prints on rice papers to complete a piece of art. I created this mixed media painting by sketching in the flowers and leaves using small brayers, brushes and palette knife, and then I collaged the papers that I created from mono prints. I love the results of this technique! Wildflower Happy Mixed Media Collage with handmade Gel Prints on Rice Paper 12 x 16 $350

Stevens, Libby-Field Grass

The long field gold field grass on this farm along Snickersville Turnpike caught my eye …I was inspired by their color and movement in the breeze. Field Grass Pastel 9x12 $445 Libby Stevens

Stevens, Libby-September Field

Clear blue sky and golden grass on a rolling hill…this is the beginning of autumn for me and this is one of my favorite Loudoun county back roads. September Field Pastel 9x12 $445 Libby Stevens

Wallace, Ann-Roses and Reflections

Flowers and fruit are my favorite objects to paint. Roses and Reflections 11 x 14 Pastel $600 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann-Watery Path

Nature’s beauty inspires me to paint en plain air. Watery Path 8 x 10 Oil $550 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann-Snow and Water

The evocative mood of a winter scene attracts my attention. Snow and Water Oil 12 x 9 $600 Ann Wallace

Weed, Peggy-The Hill Barn

The Hill Barn Oil 12 x 16 $600 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy-The White Goat

The White Goat Oil 9 x 12 $425 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy-A Young Fox

A Young Fox Oil 10 x 8 $400 Peggy Weed

Wilson, Barbara-Owl do I love thee

My clients have always loved owls. Hence, with research, I too, have become fascinated. Having always made small owls, I decided to go BIG! This owl was inspired by a photo of an owl with green eyes. ( Owl do I love thee? Clay 19 x8 x 8 $425 Barbara Wilson

Wilson, Barbara-Get SMART!

Surface design: Children's Coloring Book Get SMART! Clay 10 x 4 x 5 $80 Barbara Wilson

Wilson, Barbara-Hootie Cutie!

Surface and sculptural design: Images on the vest of the owl from a Japanese tissue transfer. Hootie Cutie! Clay 9 x 5 x 5 $135 Barbara Wilson

Wine, Linda-Matisse-Inspired Pup on Chair

Matisse was known for his bold, flat areas of color and bright patterns. His chairs and his dogs were a vehicle for design. Matisse-Inspired Pup on Chair Acrylic 16 x 20 $200 Linda Wine

Zhou, Vicky-Paris, Virginia (002)

Cloud hanging over the rolling hills of beautiful Virginia countryside. Paris, Virginia Watercolor 12x15 $500 Vicky Zhou

Zhou, Vicky-Chicken Coop (002)

Chicken Coop Watercolor 11x14 $500 Vicky Zhou

Zhou, Vicky-The Cow Barn (002)

The Cow Barn Watercolor 11x14 $450 Vicky Zhou

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